
Secure Platform for Mentoring Healthcare Providers

utilizing a Physician Moderated Social Media Forum. This platform will target collaboration between Physicians, Nursing Staff, Medical Laboratory Technicians, Researchers and Academia- worldwide.

Our Profile Based Platform

uses stringent monitoring, identification and licensure verification allowing for "Good Standing" status in each field of Healthcare.

We utilize secure and verified identity and accreditation for all members.


Accredited Moderators

oversee the creation and continuous re-evaluation of "Mentor Databases."

Initial Survey protocols will be developed by Practitioners with expertise on specific conditions and diseases in their area of specialty.These initial Survey protocols will be discussed, evaluated, and rated based on consensus and debate within a moderated group. Questions and Consensus arising from this collaboration will form new standards of care based on individual patient progression and symptom monitoring as observed and reported by emerging Tele-Health and e-health monitoring models. When implemented this living database will allow for metric based healthcare programs to advance at a pace and scale never before thought possible.


Collaboration & Mentored Care

are the centerpiece of this project.

We will facilitate the "passing on" of knowledge, expertise and experience between generations of providers that prior to this only existed at an Academic level.

Live, Anonymous case collaborations will propel Knowledge Based Management Systems to evolve in ways not possible in today's current Healthcare Models.


Integration of Knowledge Base

and Collaborative Platform will empower Institutions

to more effectively monitor patient symptoms while simultaneously minimizing the cost associated with Physician Education and Learning Curves.

Physician & Institution Directories & Profiles

developed by this Forum based Platform will allow Collaborative Healthcare Models and Contract Care to expand exponentially and fully leverage the Tele-Health and e-Clinic revolution currently emerging. Contract collaborations and skill set integration will allow for targeted and cost effective management of Healthcare Business Models to rapidly develop and thrive in this new global Healthcare world.


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